Well I did good,though it was about 15 degrees the whole time so work was a little slow.I got some neat looking box elder burl that does not have a ton of red it(darn it),but some of it has amazing curl and some odd coloration's.I will get a few pics up in the next day or to.I did hit a mother load while out at my buddy's mill we did come across a good amount of odd huge stump/branch forks/spalted/just plain weird stuff.When I say huge I mean stuff that is 40" in diameter and bigger,some of it was 60+" good thing my buddy has a huge truck with a crane/winch on it.The box elder burl was about 46" so we split is to fit it up on the mill and still had to trim a few spot to pass the saw head through.Nothing like cracking open logs on the mill it is like drugs to a drug addict.Having a very good friend that runs a saw mill operation is very handy(hes my dealer,give me some,i need some now).My back is tired along with jello legs that's part of working with lumber.Victor