Gluing Jig

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Ed Weingarden

May 2, 2022
I'm starting to do some segmenting and I'm having a difficult time doing the glue-ups. I don't use CA glue so I don't get nearly instantaneous adhesion. I'll use either Titebond or epoxy. So when doing the glue-ups, the pieces are usually slip-sliding around until I can get them secured in clamps. Does anyone have a jig for glue-ups, or can suggest ways to simplify the process? Thanks.
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I remembered seeing a past thread where a few shared their jig ideas. I'm sure there are more out there but this thread had several ideas for you to consider. Here it is…

Alot is going to depend on the type of segmenting you are doing. I always like to use square stock to begin with. Easier to clamp and keep straight when working with patterns. my jig is a simple piece of aluminum angle that you get at home centers. I place wax paper on it to prevent any glue sticking to it. That is simple to do. Just tape it on. Then I use a bunch of mini clamps or spring clamps. This way you can apply pressure just the right amount from all angles. Works well for me. Now I had to create a few other jigs over the years to accommodate different blanks.

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I have done a lot of segmentation which involves glueing shapes that are inpossible to clamp.
I have to resort to CA and fingers as clamps.....otherwise I make a clamp that suits the shape and use carpenter's glue.
Mark Dreyer has a good looking jig on his 10 minute pen making video on basic segmenting.

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