My shop is organized chaos. I usually know where things are, but frequently have to move them around to make space on the bench. I do have containers like yours (the larger Costco versions) in which I keep kits in various stages of the process. The kits are in shoe box sized storage containers and are surprisingly well organized. After that, all bets are off. Where did I put that bin?
Once I cut the blanks, they go back in the bag with the kit and into a bin they go. Once they are drilled, back in the bag and into another bin. They don't usually stay there long before glue up. If I need space between glue up and squaring, I put them back in the bag and back into a bin, but I usually square them up before repacking the bags. Either way, once they are squared up and ready to turn, they go into another bin (I currently have 2 of them in this stage). But wait, there's more... there are the bins where blowouts go until I decide if I want to do anything with them, and for cutoffs, and for spare parts. So many bins, but there's always room for another (but, is there really?)