I have previously posted about the operation I had on my left thumb in Feb '07, and then posted again about another operation on the same thumb just 3 weeks ago to refix what didn't get fixed the first time. The first operation the surgeon just put pins thru the bones and first knuckle and it never held up well. The second surgeon, a totally different one, opened everything back up, re-broke the knuckle and put in two(to me)long titanium screws thru the knuckle to give it a permanent bend and tried to get a better fusion of the knuckle joint. Went back today to get an X-ray of it and see how it was healing. To make a long story short, the fusion did not take, and the knuckle has opened up in spite of the screws. So that means next Wednesday I am scheduled for yet another surgery to try to get larger screws and more of them to try to get the fused knuckle to hold together. This delays everything as it will take another 8-10 weeks before I can get back in my shop, and this is the time I use to get ready for the fall seasons. If this doesn't take this time, then it looks like an amputation is next. Any good words of encouragement would really help at this time, as my working/turning future is looking kind of bleak.