Garage break in.

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I ahve security alarm for it that I can activate. the second the door is raised it will set the alarm. but my garage was a sales office ,because house was model home, but this will qualify i'd say 98% of the american homes.
Just try not to wake up the pups who are napping in our car........ (really, they like napping in there :eek:)

Our Door doesn't have windows, so it will have an extra element of difficulty.
No one can break into my garage! (haven't built it) hahaha. But seriously, that isn't cool at all. Unless you lock yourself out.
I do have windows and no alarm or guard dog (it would be a cooked dog inside one day trapped inside my 125+ degree garage). Thanks for posting this. I think I might just paint my windows white from the inside. It will still let in some light but will keep thieves from seeing inside.
you might rig up a deflector on each side of the latch so the wire cant hook the release. Heck make it good enough and sell them.
A piece of L channel above the door so that the wedge and wire could not fit in the door would work as well. The travel of the door is almost immediately away from the opening, so placing the bar 1/2" above the door would allow for enough clearance.
My garage door opener is me and I'm not in the habit of standing around in front of my door waiting to be yanked by some wire.:biggrin: Also I've got insulation over my doors windows so he wouldn't be able to see anyway.
Well if they get past my 110 lb. rot then good luck in my garage that is attached to my house.
Only 12 reasons here, but I can give them those same 12 reasons 8 times with double zero "talk back" in about 3 seconds:)
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the video is an eye opener but I do see a few good uses for it like if you are locked out of your own house.

I have 12 reasons for a thief to think twice, ( x8 )

It takes 43 mucles to frown 17 to smile and 3 for a proper trigger pull :biggrin:
I don't think I would want to wake the neighbors so the .45 and 12ga. would stay in their places. Besides, if they heard gun shots one of them would dial 911 in a heartbeat. My baseball bat is a bit quieter plus I would get to spend a bit more quality time getting to know the punk and really let him know that I didn't like what he was doing!!!
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I don't think I would want to wake the neighbors so the .45 and 12ga. would stay in their places. Besides, if they heard gun shots one of them would dial 911 in a heartbeat. My baseball bat is a bit quieter plus I would get to spend a bit more quality time getting to know the punk and really let him know that I didn't like what he was doing!!!

All my neighbors would grab their respective weapons and come running. Most around me are ex-military from all the branches. They just realy, really hate it when they miss 'things!'

As far as the bat ... not a bad idea, BUT wouldn't that leave a witness? :eek:
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All my neighbors would grab their respective weapons and come running. Most around me are ex-military from all the branches. They just realy, really hate it when they miss 'things!'

As far as the bat ... not a bad idea, BUT wouldn't that leave a witness? :eek:

As you well know, GUN CONTROL in Georgia means hitting what you are aiming at.

Where ELSE in the world are there TWO cities in the same state that have laws on the books REQUIRING residents to be gun owners? When Kennesaw passed this law, I thought it was STUPID....until the guy who wrote the law explained to me that FELONS could not own guns OR LIVE in Kennesaw.(They have no crime rate). So we passed it too.

While most states are fighting to limit gun ownership, GEORGIA has EXPANDED the carry permit. If we had a Jehovia's Witness Church at Lake Oconee, You couldn't wear a gun there. Everywhere else is LEGAL!

It has retarded the crime rate so that the Police are arresting cyotes for chicken thieft!

My neighbors (most of us ex-military) know each other and look out for each other and we have no crime.
I don't think I would want to wake the neighbors so the .45 and 12ga. would stay in their places. Besides, if they heard gun shots one of them would dial 911 in a heartbeat. My baseball bat is a bit quieter plus I would get to spend a bit more quality time getting to know the punk and really let him know that I didn't like what he was doing!!!

Baseball bats are "old school" here. Mickey Mantle lived (God rest his soul) just down the street and none of us could come close to his "average", so we just went back to shooting the perps.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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