Well i just ordered one deer call and one duck call, something else i am going to try and get worked out. Always wanted to do one, we will see how it works out. Carl
Well i just ordered one deer call and one duck call, something else i am going to try and get worked out. Always wanted to do one, we will see how it works out. Carl
I need to get a collet chuck before to long, if i get serious about this. I just wonder how much a difference there is between the PSI and the Beall. I am also going to try kitless pens. Getting bored at times, need to diversify. Carl
I need to get a collet chuck before to long, if i get serious about this. I just wonder how much a difference there is between the PSI and the Beall. I am also going to try kitless pens. Getting bored at times, need to diversify. Carl
Does anyone have a source for reeds that actually sound good? I've made some goose calls from the CSUSA kits, but experienced callers tell me they don't sound right. No amount of adjustment seems to correct the problem, so I'm looking for different internals.