Happy Memorial Day...
As some of you know our attendance has been way down the last several meetings, it has also been suggested to let our chapter dissolve because of it. Regardless of what we decide, I will no longer be able to head up our group. Between work and trying to retire, selling my houses and property, my wife's health and my own health issues, I simply do not have time. Pen turning has unfortunately become something I had to put to the side as well as many other hobbies for now.
If one of our great members would like to pick up the reigns and try to move the group forward, that would be awesome. I love the fellowship and I hate to see the group die off, but I don't think its fair to Woodcraft when we only have 7-8 members come to meeting when they could be making money on the class room. Maybe we could try two meetings a year and if attendance or demand increases go back to four.
I will open the floor for discussion on our future and for anyone who would like to volunteer to take the lead.
As some of you know our attendance has been way down the last several meetings, it has also been suggested to let our chapter dissolve because of it. Regardless of what we decide, I will no longer be able to head up our group. Between work and trying to retire, selling my houses and property, my wife's health and my own health issues, I simply do not have time. Pen turning has unfortunately become something I had to put to the side as well as many other hobbies for now.
If one of our great members would like to pick up the reigns and try to move the group forward, that would be awesome. I love the fellowship and I hate to see the group die off, but I don't think its fair to Woodcraft when we only have 7-8 members come to meeting when they could be making money on the class room. Maybe we could try two meetings a year and if attendance or demand increases go back to four.
I will open the floor for discussion on our future and for anyone who would like to volunteer to take the lead.