Funny biker story (at least to me)

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Apr 26, 2005
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Many of you know that I ride a Harley. I keep this no secret and am rather proud to be one of the "brotherhood". If you've seen my photo, you will have noticed that I also have a shaved head. This is mostly due to MPB, but I've never been fond of comb overs and this is just so much easier to keep. I also have a number of tattoos, but only one on the inside of my left forearm is usually visible. LOML has teased me a number of times over the last few years about turing into those I once made fun of... scooter trash. This is a rather common Texas term for those who's appearance is akin to... you know, the "bad" boys of the motorcycle world. While Harley riders come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and professions, many of us just like the look of the type of apparel that many associate with biker gangs. Most of the biking community refers to these as the one percenters. That's because these "bad" boys only make up about one percent of the biking population. However, this doesn't mean that many of us don't get clumped into the group by the non-riding public.

Case in point, LOML is a high school math teacher (and I once was). I regularly go up there to see her, have lunch with her, etc. and a number of times had the need to visit her classroom. Recently on one such occasion this caused quite the stir. It was a nice warm and sunny day and I was about on the Harley. And I needed to go by and talk to her about something so in I went. All of the administrators, secretaries and many of the teachers know me so I'm always greeted with the usual "hello" and go on my way. I stepped into LOML's classroom and stood patiently at the door until she was finished making her point to the class. At which time she said, "Hi, honey." and introduced me to the Freshman class. Many of the boys and some of the girls grinned, and others barely acknowledged me. No problem, I wasn't there to become their friends. I told her what needed telling and went on about my business.

When she gets home she tells me that she fielded the usual questions, "Is he a biker, Ms. Burt?", "What does he ride, Ms. Burt?", etc. followed by "Cool!", "I want a bike someday." and others. However, one young lady asked her, "Aren't you scared, Ms. Burt? I'd be scared. I'd leave him." Made me kinda go, "Hmmm". You know, I really didn't think I looked that menacing. I wasn't even wearing my usual Harley apparel. Just my boots (which I wear all the time), my dewrag (keeps me from getting helmet hair [:p]... and yes I wear a helmet) and my gloves. Actually I wear the dewrag to absorb perspiration so my helmet lining doesn't. The remainder of my apparel? Dress slacks and a button up shirt. I'd just come from work. I too am an educator. A university department head. You just never know.;)

edited to correct a fat fingered typo
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Billy, untill you came to the part about you being a university dept. head I did'nt understand why she would react to you in the way she did[:D][}:)][;)].
My wife is afraid that if I rode a motorcycle that I would have a bad accident. (Her boss crashed on his bike two years ago and still cannot walk.) She said I could have a motorcycle or her - if I chose the bike she would leave.

It is a frustrating to be judged by those without knowledge - if that girl knew you a bit better, she would love you like we all do. [:)]

LOL, thanks, Chris. FWIW, this isn't my first bike. I've been riding since I was 15 so I've been at this about 37 years now. However, with two exceptions (a Motoguzzi and the Harley 5 years ago) LOML nearly divorced me if and when I'd buy a bike. I guess she finally just gave up. Oh, and I haven't gone w/o my share of incidents. It's often said that there are two kinds of bikers. Those who have been down, and those who are going down. I've been down three times, and am VERY hopeful that my third time was a charm. And the day I throw my leg across the seat w/o a little apprehension is the day I hope I have the sense to sell the bike.

If you shave your head how would you get helmet hair?

Just what part of the body are you covering with that helmet Mr. Burt?
I, know what you mean. I also like my Harley's. I have 3, (a 1936 Knuck, a 1949 61 cu. in flat hardtail made into a Easy Rider chopper, and a 1957 Panhead). I have shaved head, and white goatee along with the various tattoos. I was one of the one-per centers in my youth (1960's early 70's). Now I just ride for the sheer enjoyment. When I meet with clients at work (Other Stuffed shirt Engineers and Purchasing Agents) They usually take a step back. (I can't help it if I still have a few scars and can be kind of menacing looking, but LOML calls me her Teddy Bear. I stand 6'-2" and weigh lets say slightly over 250).[:D][:D]

Some people have everyone stereotyped and automatically think the worst, until they really get to know someone. I am a former Pastor, and have been on the Governor's Council for Drug and Alcohol Abuse, I helped establish 2 half-way houses for troubled teens, Past President of Lion's CLub and member of more organizations than I would like to name. But at first meeting, I am one of the BAD BOYS. Oh well, that's their problem, not mine. [;)]

I was wondering when someone would mention that, Scott. [:D] You were paying attention.

Rob, I'm with ya bro, I'm with ya. My ride isn't nearly as bada$$ as any of yours. It's a 1987 Tour Glide. What can I say, I hate fighting the wind... but I really want a Springer for going back and forth to work.[;)]
Must be the part of the Country you are in. I live in Milwaukee so this is a common dress. It usually looks like Halloween out here with everyone dressed in their shirts, jackets, dew rags, chaps, boots, Harley glasses, belt buckles and probably underwear! I do believe the "image" is what a lot of Harley riders want, it's kind of funny hearing someone complain about it. By the way I ride a Valkyrie 6 cylinder (yes a Honda in Harley country) so you can guess how much fun I have! [:D]
Originally posted by Milpaul
<br />Must be the part of the Country you are in. I live in Milwaukee so this is a common dress. It usually looks like Halloween out here with everyone dressed in their shirts, jackets, dew rags, chaps, boots, Harley glasses, belt buckles and probably underwear! I do believe the "image" is what a lot of Harley riders want, it's kind of funny hearing someone complain about it. By the way I ride a Valkyrie 6 cylinder (yes a Honda in Harley country) so you can guess how much fun I have! [:D]

Bikers claim they are what they are because they want freedom to be individualists. Then they all dress alike. [;)]
Gave up the bike years ago, but people were more "afraid" of me in my corporate life, where I picked up nicknames like "Darth Vader" and "the angel of death."

Intersting what "costumes" trigger responses from people in different environments.

Oh, yeah, I still have my boots.

John B.
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