I spent a few hours today messing up three pencil mechanisms to convert a RB Olympian. I was practically finished and thought that I would touch up the blanks as I had handled them a lot today. Everything came apart without any trouble.....other than the very narrow rhodium band. I think it is at the point where the nib joins the blank but can't remember.
I tried everything I could think of to get it out without causing any damage. I ignored the voice in my head that told me to forget touching it up and put the pen back together again. I even put some Mahoney walnut oil inside the barrel hoping it would work itself under the part of the band that sits inside the barrel. I should have stopped there, but didn't.
End of story: I have totally damaged the band and the blank and STILL can't get it out.
Anyone had this problem and has some advice?
I tried everything I could think of to get it out without causing any damage. I ignored the voice in my head that told me to forget touching it up and put the pen back together again. I even put some Mahoney walnut oil inside the barrel hoping it would work itself under the part of the band that sits inside the barrel. I should have stopped there, but didn't.
End of story: I have totally damaged the band and the blank and STILL can't get it out.
Anyone had this problem and has some advice?