As some of you know I used to play an online game called World of Warcraft. I was heavily involved in it for 3 or 4 years. I quit playing many months ago for financial reasons. They just recently came out with a free 7 day pass to get people interested in the game again. I haven't used it but just found out that someone hacked both of my accounts. I am assuming they took everything plus half of my guild's items. I know that may sound silly to those who do not play but it is the equivalent to someone accessing your bank account and emptying it and then going to your family's accounts and emptying them as well. I have not been able to get in contact with the company that owns the game since they do not open until 8am Pacific time. Somehow I must have gotten a keylogger on my computer even though I am very anal about security on my systems. What scares me is if they managed to grab anymore of passwords for my other online things like this site or my bank or anything else I do online. None of my virus checkers have found anything yet. I hate people that do stuff like this. Stealing online information is big business and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. Thanks for letting me rant.