From the beginning questions

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Aug 21, 2013
Florida & Pa
I'd like to get quality shots just for the fun of good close up table top photography. Is it macro or micro. Suggest a decent camera (whatever you like) and lens. Thanks, Frank
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With my cell phone Photoroom-20240512_170144.pngPhotoroom-20240512_170739.png20230716_142422-01.jpeg
I'd like to get quality shots just for the fun of good close up table top photography. Is it macro or micro. Suggest a decent camera (whatever you like) and lens. Thanks, Frank
I take all of mine with a cell phone as well, key is good lighting.


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Macro is only for reeeaaal close; think of bugs and worms. Experiment with different settings or Auto setting which will do all the work for you. A photo tent will be good. Main thing is to position the pens so there is no glare off the finish or components.
My current profile photo notwithstanding... Nearly all of my "good" photos are taken on a black tablecloth that was purchased to be a photo background. We (mostly my wife) set the table cloth up on a kitchen chair where there is great ambient light and use a pen stand to take photos that way. All our photos are taken with one of our cell phones. She has an iPhone that's less than 2-3 years old (newest model when she got it) and I have a Samsung S22. We have a really nice DSLR but have not found the need to use that for the pens yet.

The biggest trick is learning where in the house to take the photos. I have seriously bright lighting in the shop and it washes things out for photos.
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