Hi, I've been doing woodworking for many years, but only last year began lathe work, making rolling pins on a lathe located in our Senior Center's woodworking shop. I also joined a group called "Badger Woodturners" based in Madison, WI, not too far from where I live. The group meets at a local High School wood-shop. BWT meetings almost always include a live demonstration of some aspect of lathe work, and last May a member showed his method for turning pens. After the demo, he asked, "Who wants to turn a pen?", and I and several others volunteered. 3 or 4 lathes were set up with mandrels; already-tubed blanks, finishing supplies and pen-guts were provided by the club. With some coaching, I turned my first blanks, finished them, and assembled a slimline pen within about half an hour. I was delighted with the result and gave it to my grandson for HS graduation present. Since then, I bought a Harbor Freight 10x18 lathe, a set of Benjamin Best tools, and finishing supplies for my own basement workshop. I've made about 30 pens of several different styles so far, and I'm having great fun learning the basics. I haven't screwed up too much, yet. :biggrin: