Friction polish ???

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Jun 21, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
My wife and I have been turning pens for a few months now. I have the CA finish figured out, I think. My wife on the other hand is having a difficult time. She has expressed interest in a friction polish. What are the pros and cons of friction polish and what is the best brand to buy?
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I would not use if for pens. It will wear off after awhile. That being said I do use it on non pen items. I use HUT Crystal Coat. Goes on easily and looks great. I follow the instructions on the bottle.
I have some I will GIVE you if,you want to try it out. But, I agree with Rob. Let me know,I'll be on the southside Tuesday.
I use CA for pens, but I use Myland's friction polish for lathe tool handles and I've been pleasantly surprised with how well it has held up (of course, that could just be gunk build-up over time!). I've used some of these lathe tools more than ANY of my pens :biggrin:.
I have tried just about every friction polish out there.
None offer a real durable finish like CA.
I use it over polished Dymondwood ... having so much resin it really requires no finish.

Shellawax cream is about the best I have found but it will wear off a pen rather quickly.

I have often thought about a thin coating of clear Casting Resin.
Agreed with the above. My first pens were done using Crystal Coat. Ugh. they lasted days. Not weeks, not months, DAYS.

If she can't get the CA finish down, move her to dipping or spraying. Lacquer and shellac are good quick finishes, but not very durable. (Better than friction polish though!) Dipping poly will be your best bet. There's a couple of tutorials in the library IIRC.
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