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I got it when I placed my very first pen order. It's not too bad for a brand new pen maker/turner. It does however seem to be a sales pitch for EEE products. I suspect that if you've turned more than one or two pens already, you might not get too much new information from it. Just one man's opinion....

Jim Smith
I saw it before doing any turning also. It was informative enough to let me know what I am getting into, but I got a lot more info on the MANY videos available on YouTube that are just as free and require no waiting.
i agree with the guys saying if you've already turned a pen you won't get much from it. penn state did not honor the coupon. it entered in the checkout process properly but they over rode it and charged my credit card $10.00. no explanation so my credit card company charged it back. good thing i printed a copy of the order. to this day i do not and will not buy from pennstate. i do buy some of their products from resellers though. have never had any problems with the resellers but i hate that pennstate still gets some of my hard earned money. can't find it now but there is a site that rates coupons and pennstate has a bad rep there.
I looked at that video several years ago (4 or 5 maybe) and recall not being impressed. I guess it is OK for someone who has never turned a pen previously; but I think anyone who has already turned a pen or two will not learn much from the DVD.

Maybe it has been updated since I saw it; but I vaguely recall seeing some things demoed that I didn't totally agree with. Seems to me there was no mention of the need for a 60° live center and that little gem should be a part of any introductory instruction to turnimg pens.
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