Hahahahaaaaa Like I have some say in it. When we buy furniture it goes something like this.
Her: What do you think of this set?
Me: It looks good to me.
Her: I kind of like the 3rd set we looked at.
Me: Which one was that?
Her: The brown one:
Me: Yep, that one is fine also.
Her: Which one do you like better?
Me: Either one is fine.
Her: How come you can never give me a straight answer.
Me: Cause I just don't give a damn either way.
Her: Well pick one then.
Me: okay, this one is good.
Her: I liked the 7th set also.
Me: Fine, whatever.
Her: Lets go to another store.
Me: Fine
Her: You don't care about the furniture do you?
Me: How could you tell?
Her: My mother is coming for dinner.
Me: I'm eating out.
Bottom line: No matter what you do it's going to be wrong anyways. So don't take it personal and get used to it. I love my wife and we get along great, except she now shops for furniture alone or with a friend.
That was the conversation between my wife and I almost exactly about the Vera Bradley purse I had to purchase her for me purchasing my 1220 lathe.
Her: Do you like this color?
Me: No
Her: Do you like this color?
Me: No
Her: I thought you said you like this color better than the other color?
Me: No
Her: Yes you did!
Me: No I didn't, I said I can't stand any of them. Just pick out a purse and lets go!
Of course choosing something for dinner is the exact opposite.
Me: Where do you want to go to dinner?
Her: I don't care
Me: Ok..let's go to Taco Bell
Her: I don't want Taco Bell
Me: I thought you said you didn't care?
Her: I don't, I just don't want Taco Bell
Me: Ok..then where would you like to go?
Her: I don't care.
Me: Ok...then let's go to BW3's
Her: No, I don't like their food there.
Me: You better pick something or I'm going to eat a PB&J
Her: I don't care.
Me: Punches wall. :at-wits-end: