Forum Etiquette Question

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May 17, 2010
Red Oak, Texas
As a new member and a complete newbie to pen turning, I have an etiquette question. Is it okay to send an unsolicited PM or Email to a member, regarding technique or setup etc. I have read and learned quite a bit over the last few weeks, but sometimes I find I need a clarification or just have a question. I don't want to start off on the wrong foot so I thought I would ask here first.
Thanks, Bob
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Hi Bob,
And welcome to the group. I see absolutely nothing wrong with PM'ing anyone here if I have questions. Most of the folks here are tickled to death to be of help, myself included.
They do have the personal right to ignore or refuse, but you'll have that small percentage wherever you go in life.

Go for it!!:biggrin:

I think it isn't out of place at all. Post questions in the various forums, PM people here or find out if there is an IAP turner near you. Check to see if there is a local chapter in your area.

Actually the PROPER thing to do is to contact the person involved and ask for their mailing address.

Once you have that, wrap your question in a $10 bill and mail it to the person. From that point on, it's OK to send as many PM's as you want......... at least that would work for me! :biggrin:
Actually the PROPER thing to do is to contact the person involved and ask for their mailing address.

Once you have that, wrap your question in a $10 bill and mail it to the person. From that point on, it's OK to send as many PM's as you want......... at least that would work for me! :biggrin:
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: I like that one.
Now for the serious response....

I see nothing wrong with it BUT.... don't make a habit of it or continue with several PM's a day asking questions else you might wear out your welcome. Keep in mind the purpose of the forum, you may have the exact same question as a dozen others so starting a thread might help some other bashful types answer their questions too! I should know, I'm pretty bashful myself and by reading others questions and answers, I have learned a lot!
10 dollars a member!

Thank you all for the quick answers and the support. George, with all the knowledge I've seen in this forum, 10 bucks per member would be well worth it.

Thanks, Bob
Actually the PROPER thing to do is to contact the person involved and ask for their mailing address.

Once you have that, wrap your question in a $10 bill and mail it to the person. From that point on, it's OK to send as many PM's as you want......... at least that would work for me! :biggrin:

$10 for all the questions one needs answered?!?

You work cheap!!! :tongue:

Bobby, in answer to your OP:
It's always proper to send a PM and ask someone for information.
It's also proper to post a request for information.
Depending on the individual, you may or may not get an answer OR the answer you're looking for
but there's no harm in asking.
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Sometimes if works well to contact someone via PM, sometimes you get a phone number and told "give me a call and shoot the breeze". I can only recall one time that someone on this sight didn't want to share info with me.
Now for the serious response....

I see nothing wrong with it BUT.... don't make a habit of it or continue with several PM's a day asking questions else you might wear out your welcome. Keep in mind the purpose of the forum, you may have the exact same question as a dozen others so starting a thread might help some other bashful types answer their questions too! I should know, I'm pretty bashful myself and by reading others questions and answers, I have learned a lot!

You,George!!!!!!! Really?
Keep in mind not everyone in the IAP is on the forum 24/7. I've sent PM's that took a week to be answered. That is par for the course. Be patient and enjoy the site..

BTW: Welcome...
And sometime the person you made that remark to does not take you up on it! :biggrin:
Curtis, wouldn't it be better to Tell Bob to search for some of the qsn. first then if he ends up needing specifics then pm someone? It may be that his qsn. was already asked by another member, and based on his time of joining it may have been answered already. Then if he starts a thread, he would get better answers than from one individual? I certainly didn't pm evryone.
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I look first if there is an answer, If I can't find it or need clarification then I post a thread or PM someone. I have done this with several people on here to either clarify or ask an expert from this sight about a specific issue that I know they have already been through. No one will turn you down if you ask for help unless it is a specific thing that they promised they would not share such as a Trade Secret. There was a member on here named Eagle, many people on here knew him (i never did) but there were some things that he taught specific members that the were sworn to secrecy. Those cases are few and far between. Never be afraid to ask questions on this sight.

By the way welcome
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