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Some easier than others

Paul that is amazing, I wish one of my over bred over fed Shepherds could do that, that took some excellent training, very cool.
Walking on two legs seems to come much more easily to some dogs than to others. I have had one dog (out of a lot) that was very good at it and all it took to get her started was to hold a piece of hot dog high enoug that she had to stand up to get it. She would stay up for quite awhile walking after it.

Still on it's hind legs dancing for 3 or 4 minutes is quite a well trained dog...given her druthers mine would still have preferred to chase a rabbit.
Dogs are simply the best! I have two boxers and they can't (won't) even bring back something you through. One runs and gets it then runs back into the house and gets on the couch. Not much call for that on U tube.
Briliant video, heck if I throw a ball for my dog to fetch, she runs after it then stops at the ball and barks non-stop until I go over to her and throw the ball again. I think she owns me not the other way round! LOL :dog: :laugh:
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