This thread took me to the other thread - and that's where I wrote this:
I logged in this morning looking for MPG 2008 comments, and stumbled across this thread. I've read all four pages of responses to Chris' first post, then I read the article.
I'm scratching my head trying to find what was wrong with the article. I didn't sense any negative, implied negatives, or anything else. This just seemed like an informative, thought-provoking discussion of the direction Chris took.
It kind of dampened the fun and relaxed experience from Champaign yesterday. I wish I hadn't read this thread - but on the other hand, I wouldn't have found Chris's website or his article. There is a silver lining.......
I used to participate on a listserv for my professional instrument - clarinet - and found that this unmoderated list was just filled with people who like to argue and vent their insecurities. As a professional musician and conductor, and as a university professor who has taught for over 25 years, I had joined that listserv feeling that whatever contributions I might make would be respected by those "youngsters" and other teachers and performers who read the forum. Not so. In fact there was even a well-recorded, well-known professional clarinetist from the U.K. who was inflammatory, nasty, uncivil, and downright egotistical. I determined that the people who posted there, for the most part, wanted the attention of feeling important for having the courage to share their opinions - regardless of if their opinions mattered. After three years, I left the listserv - and, following the withdrawl of reading and posting on a daily basis, found that I was much happier not having to view and respond to that junk every day.
It is unfortunate that I see many similarities between that listserv for clarinetists and the thread that Billy posted about. Thankfully, having experienced the nastiness of the former listserv, the comments seemed somewhat tame in comparison to the other. Still - it isn't any fun to see a colleague who posted a well-meaning idea with a link to a good article be personally attacked over someone else's inability to read and understand context. I sense major insecurity at work here. Someone purchases a wood lathe, tools, blanks, and some inexpensive pen kits - makes what friends, family, and a few customers like - and then visualizes someone else as attacking those decisions by writing an article (two years earlier) that does not reinforce the person's mistaken notions of what place their penturning holds in the world today.
The best of the IAP remains. Those who post personal attacks eventually leave because they are not tolerated. This forum remains one of the few that I continue to frequent after several years - and that says something for the quality of the people who are members.
Regarding the 2008 MPG - it was nice to meet Billy, Terrence, Greg, and a few others I have only corresponded with via the forum or email - as well as to enjoy seeing Rich again - and to enjoy his humorous and relaxed demo. Everyone I met represented the IAP well.
Best wishes,
Roger Garrett