To make a long story short,I met a guy yesterday,he just walked up to me at work and said I heard you make pens.I said sure do.He says I am a connoisseur of pens.Never met the guy in my life.He told me the guy who had been making pens for him for a long time had passed.I showed him a few samples.He does'nt like capped pens,only twist or click.And only wood pens no plastics or anything like that.He liked a Rosewood burl but was on a Baron,no go.He has specific woods he wants,and he likes the Euro style.So my question is what do you guys consider the highest quality kit in a Euro or other twist kit?He does'nt like cigar pens either,too big.I quoted him $65.00 each for a Rosewood Euro and he did'nt even think twice and said ok I want 2 of those.I sure would like some good input here as to what is the absolute best I can possibly offer as money does not seem to be an object.Still long sorry.