For my friends in the UK

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May 15, 2004
Reynoldsburg, OH, USA.
One of my other hobbies is genealogy on the Tippery family name. Today I hit a jackpot showing that there were Tipperys all over England and Wales from the late 1700s until, at least, the early 1900s. We even had one born in Scotland who moved to London. Strangely none in Ireland (despite the Tipperary look-a-like).

Now to the request...If you know of any information on Tipperys, or can suggest internet sites that I can research (no pay sites as the $ too weak)please e-mail me at so I can follow up on them.

So far all of the Tipperys in the US are related and I would like to hook the UK clans into the tree.

Thanks, in advance.
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Thanks. I routinely monitor most of the U.S. sites along with a group of cousins that I moderate. Unfortunately, sites in the UK aren't that easy to locate unless you are intimately familiar with their govt structure.
Thanks guys. I guess they "left town" and forgot to come back. I have found more about them in the census information for the Liverpool and Devon area. Also a large clan in Lancashire, Warwickshire, and Durham area. I'll keep looking as it would be fun to find out how they got to England and when (and why)they left.

All of the Tipperys over here seem to descend from a Jacob Tippery and sons who, reportedly, arrived from Alsace just before the American War for Independence.

I did find one Tippery who left a British vessel when it docked and then disappeared without leaving descendents. Maybe he went to Canada as I found a vessel named Tippery in the Newfoundland sailing records.
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