One of my other hobbies is genealogy on the Tippery family name. Today I hit a jackpot showing that there were Tipperys all over England and Wales from the late 1700s until, at least, the early 1900s. We even had one born in Scotland who moved to London. Strangely none in Ireland (despite the Tipperary look-a-like).
Now to the request...If you know of any information on Tipperys, or can suggest internet sites that I can research (no pay sites as the $ too weak)please e-mail me at tipusnr@wideopenwest.com so I can follow up on them.
So far all of the Tipperys in the US are related and I would like to hook the UK clans into the tree.
Thanks, in advance.
Now to the request...If you know of any information on Tipperys, or can suggest internet sites that I can research (no pay sites as the $ too weak)please e-mail me at tipusnr@wideopenwest.com so I can follow up on them.
So far all of the Tipperys in the US are related and I would like to hook the UK clans into the tree.
Thanks, in advance.