First try at a Website

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Feb 12, 2008
Mansfield, Ohio, USA.
Well I've been scared to post this, but I need some feedback on my site. I have a lot of work to do on it. I only have 2 pens in the shopping area but as I make more, I post more. Please let me know how it looks, especially those that don't use Internet Explorer or High Speed connection. I know its rough. I haven't told anyone about it except those in this forum. Thanks for looking.
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Site looks nice. I'm on a 28k dial-up and it loaded pretty fast. 1 suggestion for you... the links on the left are not a contrasting enough color with the background.
Thanks for the comments. I changed the menu on the left with a contrasting color and made it a button style. Thanks for the suggestion, let me know if it looks better.
OK, the big pen on the left looks good on the home page but it needs to shrink wayyyyyy down on your Products pages and your thumbnails of your products for sale need to be bigger. You want the eye drawn towards your products, not to the "not for sale" picture.

Also, your 'Other Products' button goes nowhere. If it clicks....something should show 'Under Construction' or something of that nature.

Not too bad for a first start.
Thanks for all the comments. Made some more tweaks to it. Can't figure how to make the product thumbnails bigger yet but still working on it. That's the problem when you use premade tempplates. Only so much editing you can lol.
I tried out the shopping cart. It seams to let me add a pen to the cart, but when I click the "continue shopping" button, it says "Sorry, there are currently no products in this category. Please check back soon." It happens with both pens. But right now, I have both pens in my cart.

The fields to enter my info do come up. One thing I see about that that you might want to think about. The sentence "Shipping Information Click Here to use Billing Iformation. Note: we do not ship to P.O. Boxes. " You might want to consider making this a little bit larger. I missed it the first time I looked at the page.

I filled out the form to contact you through the website. It is titled "Just a test" and sent it. One thing I hate about fields like this is requiring me to add my phone number. Nothing personal, but if I want you to have my number, I'll offer it. I'm using a cell for my main number and I don't want it added to a list. Many times, if a form requires me to add my number and wont let me continue until I do, I'll try to find what I need someplace else. You may want to consider making this an optional field.

Just my opinions. I hope this helps. Best of luck w/ your site

Edit: I forgot to let you know. I'm using Firefox and it shows up fine
Thanks for the comments. I'm going to check into changing the shopping cart around and making those changes. Unfortunately I use a standard template so I don't know what kind of changes it will let me make. Thanks for suggestions.
It probably would not hurt to make the whole thing wider (I am assuming it is around 800 or so pixels wide right now). Most users run there resolution at at least 1024x768.

If I were you, I would try to make a header that includes the wolf picture, rather than having it load the way it does and take up all of that space on the left side. You could fit more in there and make the pages seem more concise (esp. important when you get more pens up for sale.)

If you are going to have transactions taking place through your website that involve the transmission of any sort of personal information, you need to get SSL encryption for those pages. Sometimes your host will let you use a shared certificate, but usually you will have to get a dedicated IP address and an SSL certificate, then apply for the keys and have your host install the certificate on your domain. The IP and the cert. are probably going to be a per year charge for each.

Other than that, you can try tweaking your font styles to see if there is anything you like better or that you feel looks the most professional. I would consider changing the font size/style at least of the page links at the top.

I know these are picky things, and of course they are just suggestions. Feel free to ignore them if you like =)
All items are one of a kind because the material used is unique.
I'd lose the wording highlighted in red.
"All items are one of a kind" period, sounds much better TO ME.
I think you've done a good job![8D]
ah, yes. The Wolf looks much better after the diet. We have to look out for our own ya know. Can't have chubby wolves running around, people might start thinking we're all obese. [:p]
You have a good lay out and a good start... on your products page, I find the Grey on Grey lettering very hard to read... I suggest more contrast and enlarge the frames a little... make the thumbnails at least large if not extra large so the viewer's eyes are drawn immediately to the pens... you want them to see the pens and then look for info about them.
Made some more changes. I'm really limited as too what I can change since I am using templates rather then write my own. However better photos are forthcoming as well as new product. I haven't tried a sale all the way thru yet so I don't know if that even works. Just gonna keep tweaking it some more. I'm surprised that no one found any spelling or grammar errors, lol.

Thanks for all your comments and suggestions.
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