First Segmented Pen

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Mar 16, 2014
Lancaster, TN
I'm an absolute neophyte at the turning game. Got a Jet 1221vs a few months ago and am thoroughly enjoying it. Made/sold a few pens over the holidays so, minus the cost of the lathe I'm at about break-even. My wife's happy about that.

This is my first attempt at laminating and turning a segmented piece. I wanted to produce something in the patriotic fashion. This is bits of plexiglass and aluminum roof flashing on an inexpensive pen. The glue seems to have caused some bleeding between the layers as it melted everything together. Guess I should have used epoxy instead of the plastic cement??


  • red-white-blue-segmented.jpg
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Looks nice, and the epoxy would probably be a better choice. To be sure, test it on a couple pieces and see. Looks like you are off to a great start, keep it up and it only gets better. :)
Glues made for plastics are formulated to melt the plastics together to form a bond. CA and epoxy do not do this. Very well done on your first try. Jim S
Great looking pen Leslie! i really like the color combo you used, i made the V pattern pen a long time ago without Aluminium,i used plastic/acrylic made blanks, no metal and i used thin CA/Super Glue which is still ok today,anyway best of luck with your next seg pen great job.
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