Wild Turkey
Well, it started. Got my lathe etc at retirement party thrown by the company I worked for Friday evening. Got everything set up Saturday and turned first pen Sunday morning. Slim-line but it turned out great WHEW!!!! Took it over to parents house to show them and my 85 year old father said I love that and stuck it in his overalls. So much for keeping first pen, but he took it out of his pocket and said now I want a box to keep it in and show it off. Odered same this evening along with some Brazilan Cherry Wood blanks and some others for orders taken this evening at the local bowling alley. Have turned nothing but slim-lines and Annelli's so far, but they are going like hot cakes. No one is this area has even seen a hardwood pen of any kind and people are going nuts. Have only turned about 20 pens, and have two sitting on desk right now, and that is all that is left, but as warned I am hooked, sinker included.
Waiting for arrival of centering vise, should arrive tomorrow to tackle some other pen kits that I have on hand. Buying digital camera this week, so should be able to take pictures soon. Old timer that still uses a 35MM camera, but will switch to digital, because of internet etc. I want to thank everyone for posting all of their tips, ideas and things to watch out for as they were all of great help in turning my first pen. Was scared to death to do it, but everything went well, just a little slow of the first few, and yes the slim-lines have to be one the hardest thing to turn due to the thin wood left over the tubes.
Waiting for arrival of centering vise, should arrive tomorrow to tackle some other pen kits that I have on hand. Buying digital camera this week, so should be able to take pictures soon. Old timer that still uses a 35MM camera, but will switch to digital, because of internet etc. I want to thank everyone for posting all of their tips, ideas and things to watch out for as they were all of great help in turning my first pen. Was scared to death to do it, but everything went well, just a little slow of the first few, and yes the slim-lines have to be one the hardest thing to turn due to the thin wood left over the tubes.