First meeting for 2010

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Are we having pot luck or hot dogs, if hot dogs, I might bring some of grandma's famous homemade hot dog chilli.
Where is the meeting going to be held? If at all possible, I will try to attend.
The plans as of now are to have it at my shop in New Boston. I will send you directions or if you prefer you can go to Macs house and ride with him since you already have been there. As nice as your work looks it would be great if you would do a demo for us. I look forward to seeing you here. Anyone else that is planning on coming that I do not have your e-mail address please e-mail it to me so that I can include you when I send out directions the week before the meeting.
Hey im a highschooler that lives in Conway, Arkansas. My dad has gotten interested in all this because i have showed him stuff and so we might come to the meeting if we are free that day. We have passed through New Boston on our way to Dallas many times! Is it a come whenever you can or is there a set start time?
Nathan,we would be glad for you and your dad to drop by anytime. We try to start around ten but everyone is welcome to come and go as they please. If you decide to come e-mail me your e-mail address so I can put you on the list to send out directions the week before the meeting.
Less than 3 weeks to go. I have recieved several pm's and it looks like we may have the biggest group yet at this meeting. So far on the agenda we are planning a show and tell, so we would like everyone to bring some of your latest work. The show & tell is not limited to just pens,bring anything you have done recently. We are also planning a swap & sell. If you have tools you don't use,extra wood,antlers,or anything else you think anyone might be interested in feel free to bring it to sell or to trade for something you might need. As far as demos,Mac and I are prepared to do whatever demos everyone would like to see.So far the only request we have is a finishing demo by a couple of our newest members. Let us know what you want to see so that we can get prepared. It would be nice if we could get some volunteers to step up to the plate and demo what you are doing. Last meeting Delbert & John stepped up to demo working with deer antler a making a bracelet helper. Everyone enjoyed their demos so much that I ended up doing a group buy on the bracelet helpers. Please consider doing a demo, you never know what you are doing that might really catch everyones interest. As in the past we are doing a pot luck lunch. It would be nice if everyone posted what they are bringing so there is not a lot of duplication. I am planning to smoke some bbq chicken and will have tea & coffee available. Everyone that has given me their e-mail address will be sent directions the week just before the meeting,so if you want to attend and have not sent me your e-mail addrees please do so soon. If anyone wants to do a demo or has any questions please post here or feel free to send me an e-mail as I am usually on here every morning. I look foward to seeing everyone here Saturday,March 6th around 10:00 a.m.
whew, I'm so glad I remembered to check in...
at the moment, there's nothing I know of that will prevent me from making it - unfortunately, sometimes for me that can change all too quickly.
As for demos, I'm not picky - at my level of the game, any demo will be useful. The finishing one sounds great. Not just applying, but what finish may be best suited for what wood/material, etc.
Besides the two brushes, I really haven't made anything besides floor kindling :redface:
whew, I'm so glad I remembered to check in...
at the moment, there's nothing I know of that will prevent me from making it - unfortunately, sometimes for me that can change all too quickly.
As for demos, I'm not picky - at my level of the game, any demo will be useful. The finishing one sounds great. Not just applying, but what finish may be best suited for what wood/material, etc.
Besides the two brushes, I really haven't made anything besides floor kindling :redface:

Are you on TraderDon's email list? Glad you are going to make it .
I still have not nailed down a demo, as we might have as many as 20 people show up and several are new, I will bring several things that I can demo if someone wants to see a certain one.
whew, I'm so glad I remembered to check in...
at the moment, there's nothing I know of that will prevent me from making it - unfortunately, sometimes for me that can change all too quickly.
As for demos, I'm not picky - at my level of the game, any demo will be useful. The finishing one sounds great. Not just applying, but what finish may be best suited for what wood/material, etc.
Besides the two brushes, I really haven't made anything besides floor kindling :redface:

Send me your e-mail address so that I can put you on the list to send out directions to. Any one else new that wants to attend please send me your e-mail address as I will be sending directions to the meeting out in the next few days.
Only one week to go. Meeting to be held Saturday March 6th 10:00 a.m. till ?? at my shop in New Boston,TX. Everyone will be sent an e-mail with directions the first of the week. Plans for now include a show and tell (bring some of your latest work pen related or not), swap and sell (bring anything you want to sell or trade),ca-blo finish demo by Rangertrek, and a special guest demo on turning a rabbit by Marion McDaniel from Dallas,TX. We are still looking for ideas for demos or volunteers to do demos and I am sure there will be others scheduled by next Saturday. We will also have a pot luck lunch. It would be nice if everyone posted what they are bringing so as to avoid duplications. I am smoking some bbq chicken and Billy is bringing banana pudding. That is the only things I know of so far. I look forward to seeing everyone then.
Since I'm coming so far, the wife didn't figure me bring any meat dish would be a good idea, so the wife said I'd be bringing chips and some drinks. LOL So, count on a few bags of chips and a few 6 packs of sodas from me.

Put me down for baked beans, and a demo(Straight CA with CA/BLO.) I know this is what I did last meeting but have had some ?s on it and looks like we will have some new folks that ask for finish demos. I will be happy to do more than one if need be.
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Contumplating making the drive up...does anyone know how long it would take to get there from the east side of Dallas?

About 2 and a half hours. Come on down ,bring some of those North Texas guys and gals, if you want. I have been to two of there meetings. Thought they were going to have another?
Contumplating making the drive up...does anyone know how long it would take to get there from the east side of Dallas?
I drive from my house to the downtown farmers market in two and a half hours so you should easily be able to make it in that length of time. We have a couple of guys coming out of Arkansas that are three hours away. Hope to see you here .
Everyone that I have an e-mail address for has been sent directions. If you have not recieved directions and would like to attend send me your e-mail address and I will send you directions. This looks to to be the biggest group we have had yet. All I have to say about that is come on down, the more the merrier. So far we have four demos scheduled but we can do a couple more if any one has any ideas or would like to volunteer.
Sol92258 you bring the Moon Pies, I'll get some RC Cola!

I also thought I might bring my hair-wax finish (still experimental, but promising for use in shave brushes). I've also been honing/sharpening my tools without a grinder/wheel, if anybody would like to see that simple process. I'm just a beginner, but it seems to be working pretty well for me and my cheap HF tools. :redface:
Jim,I found found most people will eat any kind of cookies. Micah glad to have you coming. We will be happy to have anyone demonstrate anything they are doing. Right now the only confirmed demos are two finishing demos,cutting two blanks in a wave pattern to make a customized blank,and turning a rabbit on a lathe.
Jim,I found found most people will eat any kind of cookies. Micah glad to have you coming. We will be happy to have anyone demonstrate anything they are doing. Right now the only confirmed demos are two finishing demos,cutting two blanks in a wave pattern to make a customized blank,and turning a rabbit on a lathe.

bet that makes a bunny dizzy.....

okay, if you ya'll are willing to put up with very amateur work....:biggrin:
wow Just got off phone with Trader Don. We thinks, we will have somewhere between 25 to 30 folks at this meeting. Now thats what I'm talking about...

I have to trade or sell a table top band saw (Hitachi) bought at Lowes, also have an extra blade new in box, all for $125.00.
New price was $189 and the price of a new blade+ tax.
Also have pen drilling vice take $40 for it.
Will have pen stands, blanks,buffing wheels,and whatever else I can trade or sell. looking forward to the meeting.
(Don't forget to email Trader Don or post food so we can cover if need be.)
Sol92258 you bring the Moon Pies, I'll get some RC Cola!

I also thought I might bring my hair-wax finish (still experimental, but promising for use in shave brushes). I've also been honing/sharpening my tools without a grinder/wheel, if anybody would like to see that simple process. I'm just a beginner, but it seems to be working pretty well for me and my cheap HF tools. :redface:

First off, Welcome to the turning vortex, and to the IAP.
I like banana moon pies.
Demo sounds interesting.
Two days to go. Updated confirmed food list.I am cooking smoked bbg chicken and will have tea & coffee available.(Mac-baked beans ) (Emerson-chips & drinks ) (Billy-banana pudding) (Roger-dessert, his wife has not told him what it will be yet) (Bill-scalloped potatoes with sausage ) (Jim-cookies ?? although he and Micah seem to have a craving for moon pies & RC cola) -That is all the responce I have recieved so far. As Mac stated in an earlier post if everyone comes that has told me they are coming this will be our largest group yet.
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What we really need is some sort of food that really conveys wood-turning as a concept...

Maybe curly fries?

do they make such a thing as a cookie lathe?
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