First day of spring???

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Jan 9, 2006
Milwaukee, Wi, USA.
And we are under a winter storm warning with the possibility of up to 12 inches of snow.:(

My wife keeps saying she wants to move farther north!

I told her I'm gonna put a snow shovel over my shoulder and head south until somebody asks me "what is that thing?".
THAT will be my new home:D
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72 and sunny here today.

Snow shovel....We occasionally see snow around here...but we don't actually use a shovel on it...

If it snows more than 2-3 inches we just shut down for the day and try again tomorrow.
Ron, this one won't last very long. It will probably melt by Wednesday. I love snow, but I also have an 8 year old boy who has his best time in the snow.
If we get a foot (and they say 15" here), and it melts by Wed, LOOK OUT Fox River residents!!!!!

How high is your house, Chris???
Ron - Actually north would have saved you from this mess. [8D] We drove down into this mess from GB this morning. Nothing till about sheyboygan. GB is only supposed to see a trace.
Originally posted by RonSchmitt

I told her I'm gonna put a snow shovel over my shoulder and head south until somebody asks me "what is that thing?".
THAT will be my new home:D

Thats to funny. I once got into a friends car, picked up a plastic thingy off the floor and asked "What's this". He replied, "An ice scraper". At which point I just looked at him blankly and said "What's that for?"

Needless to say the plates on his car were not from Florida :D
Well, here in Connecticut and spring officaly here. Easter weekend is upon us and for me, that means my yearly "pop the top party" came early. I just brought the Jeep into the back yard and shed the hardtop in exchange for the bikini top. It's a bit cold still, but I don't have to drive it everyday which helps. ;)

Took her for a ride around the block and it's good to have the top back off!The best thing is that the forcast has some 50 degree days next week. This is good because now that the top is off, I can bring home my big Rockwell/Delta drill press strapped to the roll bar and towering over the windshield a little bit. [}:)]
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