Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
And each and every time throughout the history of America when it has heard a 1st Amendment case, the US Supreme Court has held that the right to freedom of speech is applicable to public spaces NOT private places.
The IAP is a private entity.
Some things are worth fighting for and my rights as a[n] American are still on the top of my list.
Mine too. And I'll add: With rights come RESPONSIBILITIES.
Censorship has on this site has gotton to the point where I feel threatened with any post I put up, even this one.
I am at a loss
I must say, I haven't had the time I'd like to spend with y'all here.
However, I can say that I've had several long emails with Curtis, some short ones with Jeff, and a long phone call or two with Curtis.
I have the utmost respect for Curtis and his judgement.
I'd like to add some thoughts directed to no particular individual although each statement is based on at least one particular incident:
I've seen things posted which I agreed with YET I knew they violated the principals and/or rules of this forum.
Numerous times, someone has initiated a post related to a political ideology, a spiritual belief, or some other topic which includes those areas of thought.
It takes a very large person to admit something may be outside the scope of this forum's permitted topics of discussion when the item not permitted is one they feel extremely strongly about.
If a post or sig. line is political or religious, then remember:
when we agreed to become members, we waived that particular right of discussion for those topics.
Having made that choice freely, we must abide by it.
Freedom and rights == responsibility.
We know that no one of us has the freedom to post whatever we choose to on this forum.
We are guests here, and it's our free choice to stay or go so long as we abide by the rules.