How does the spring clip work? I was wondering how the psi ones stayed in. Mine open and close very smoothly. Thanks to a wipe on and wipe off of petroleum jelly on the O rings.I have found that most quilters, like trout, like bright, shiny objects :wink::biggrin:. My sister used to sell my seam rippers to her quilt club and she only sold the acrylic ones. Alas, the wood ones languished and gathered dust.What a waste of Cocobolo! BTW, the Berea seam rippers with those o-rings are mush more difficult to open for those who may have arthritis or who may be up in age. I switched to the ones sold by others (PSI and its resellers) that have the spring clips.
The spring clips work extremely well. They hold the seam rippers and stilettos with just enough tightness to prevent them from slipping out and enough to keep them steady when working with them. Once I started making these, the folks that originally bought the o-ring versions wanted me to change their's to the spring clips but I cold not get PSI to sell me the clips. To be fair, they are in business to sell kits, not parts.
Is the cutter replaceable?
Thanks for all the info. Very helpful. I hadn't bothered looking at this post because I was not interested in seam rippers. Turns out that my wife just got an email from CSUSA with the seam rippers featured. Now she wants me to make a bunch for her to give to her quilting friends for Christmas. When I asked if she wanted wood or resin, she answered resin without even thinking about it. Have you made any of the necklace variety with the magnetic attachment? The strength of the magnet didn't seem to get good reviews. Blade sharpness seems to have been an issue over the last year or so. Seems like most of the suppliers have gone back to japanese blades instead of Chiwan junk. Ed
that's because you told them that it was an option.all the ones ive made they wanted the combo ripper/stiletto
:biggrin: I just ordered 100
:biggrin: I just ordered 100