I am new to pen turning and still trying to figure out what works and does not. My emphasis is on using local wood only for my blanks (birch spruce, tamarack, willow and etc.). If the wood has good grain features then I stain the wood. I also paint some rather featureless pens to resemble birch trees. I am trying to find the best clearcoat to use on the pens. The challenge is that I am in the area of Fairbanks, Alaska and many of the finishes I read about will not ship here. I do have Lowes and Home Depot here so I have been using Minwax Polycrylic so far. I have been tempted to try the polyurethane, but I don't want to go spending a lot of money on trial and error if it is not necessary. I would like to know thoughts on the water-based finishes v. oil-based as well as any recommendations for common off-the-shelf solutions. I have not tried CA yet, but I don't think I can get the accelerant up here. Any information would be greatly appreciative!