Finished and Assembled my first chevron blank experiment

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Feb 22, 2012
Las Cruces, NM
I finally got a CA finish on my first attempt at a chevron blank and assembled the pen today. It is a Blade Clicker. I learned a lot working on this.
I have a few more in the works using the same chevon block I glued up. I hope they turn out a bit better.

My finish does not show up very well in these crummy photos but it turned out okay and I was happy with it.

DSCN0546.jpg DSCN0547.jpg DSCN0528 (1).jpg
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If that's your first chevron pen, James, then congratulations on a fine job.
Myself, I prefer the chevrons to point to the nib.
Keep them coming and looking forward to seeing your next ones.
Alignment, points and wings... Excellent! I agree with Alan, but some guidelines are meant to be tested! Well done!
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