Back in May a friend (and previous co-worker) from San Antonio called me about a position he was having trouble filling. He asked me if I'd take the job and said he really needed me to help him out. So LOML & I mulled it over for a few days and I told him yes. It will be a downgrade for me, but no loss of $$$ and I can live with less responsibility for the same money. LOML will take a significant paycut though. Texas still doesn't pay teachers as much as many other states (that's why I quit teaching in the late 1980's). Anyway, that was back in May. The paperwork has been submitted and approved (in June!!!!), and I still haven't been officially notified. The original target report date was 21 July (my birthday
), but that got slipped to 18 August. Now it looks like it will be slipped again. It seems the AF decided that they should save money by consolidating all HR to one base. This resulted in a ONE YEAR backlog of all personnel actions, so all the money saved will have to be spent clearing the backlog... and probably then some. This is what happens when you let fighter pilots make management decisions.[:0]
But it will happen eventually, so I'm happy about that. Other than the wait, the only negative about the move is the housing situation. The market has really taken a nose dive up here in the last five years. I'll be lucky to break even on the sale of my house. But it still beats paying rent.
Housing in San Antonio wasn't as affected. The same house I had 7 years ago will cost me about $60k more. Oh well, such it life.
Thanks for listening... er, reading.
Now I feel better!
But it will happen eventually, so I'm happy about that. Other than the wait, the only negative about the move is the housing situation. The market has really taken a nose dive up here in the last five years. I'll be lucky to break even on the sale of my house. But it still beats paying rent.
Thanks for listening... er, reading.