Monty, I hope you get this before your femoral block wears off. When you start to feel even a smidgen of pain, take those pills they gave you. SERIOUSLY!!! I just had ligament surgery on December 19th and my femoral block wore off while I was sleeping. I woke up in the absolute worst pain I have ever felt in my life. My body temp had dropped and I was shivering, crying, and hurting. You DO NOT want to know what the feeling is like if you aren't on pain meds when that wears off. If they gave you percocet, be sure to take at least 2. I was on 10mg and 2 did it for me. I am 6'1" 245 so take it how you may. Good luck with the recovery. I am still doing therapy, and trust me, they know what they are talking about. Do what they say, and no more or less. You will feel it getting better in no time.