Finally getting it done

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Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
My right knee has been giving me fits for some time now....seems I have a torn bursa and maybe even a cyst. So, tomorrow morning I go in for arthroscopic surgery to clean it out. Think I'll have the doc install a grease fitting while he's in there so I can keep it well lubed.:biggrin::biggrin:
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Hey Mannie, be sure not to skimp on the pt time if they put you on it. Little discomfort then can save long term problems later.

There are probably not too many people who know why to link a grease fitting to that "real McCoy" statement any more. The old steamers are getting to be more and more of a lost art. It's a shame too.
more and more of a lost art. It's a shame too.

Your not kidding brother!!! Three funerals just this week alone. It's been odd, no one was having any FUN.
Sorry Monty, You just heard me knockin wood!!! :eek:)

papaturner, I'm picking up what your laying down. LOL

Oh an Monty, act a little GRUMPY when you wake up... They may stop for ICE-CREAM on your way home. :eek:)
Been there, done that. It will hurt for a little while but I'm sure you'll come out ok. Just had a brand new knee myself. There comes a time in every knee that ortho will no longer do the trick. Good Luck, and let us know how it comes out.
My mother just had knee surgery two weeks ago, she is hobbling around pretty good. you might want to cancel your entry in the marathon for this weekend though.
Do everything they tell you. I have had 3 surgeries to repair both knee cartilages. No replacements yet. But they really worked and PT really helped. Let us know how you are doing afterwords.
Good luck monty. I have been having issues with my left knee for a couple of years now. Finally got agravating enough to go see a doctor about it. Just made an appointment today for the 4 of march.(the knee was smashed in a motorcycle wreck about 35 years ago when iwas 14. Tore most of the leg off but they was able to put it back together again.:biggrin:So i guess i,ve done well with the knee so far.) Heres wishin you the best of luck
Monty , Good luck with your surgery . My wife has had both knees done . It's just amazing what they can do nowadays . Don't skimp on the PT , it may hurt a bit but it will be worth it in the end .
You take care pal and if there is anything I can do to help, all you have to do is yell, I'll be there in 20 minutes..
Monty, I hope you get this before your femoral block wears off. When you start to feel even a smidgen of pain, take those pills they gave you. SERIOUSLY!!! I just had ligament surgery on December 19th and my femoral block wore off while I was sleeping. I woke up in the absolute worst pain I have ever felt in my life. My body temp had dropped and I was shivering, crying, and hurting. You DO NOT want to know what the feeling is like if you aren't on pain meds when that wears off. If they gave you percocet, be sure to take at least 2. I was on 10mg and 2 did it for me. I am 6'1" 245 so take it how you may. Good luck with the recovery. I am still doing therapy, and trust me, they know what they are talking about. Do what they say, and no more or less. You will feel it getting better in no time.
Mannie, let's git 'er done! At our next meeting you and I can compare scars. Good luck with the surgery and like someone else the therapy. That is really important. Might hurt at first but it won't hurt later.
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