1) A penny saved is______________
2) A stitch in time saves___________
3) A bird in the hand is __________
4) You can lead a horse to water but__________
5) You can’t get blood out of __________
6) It’s always darkest __________
7) Its like closing the barn door after__________
8) Curiosity __________
9) Curiosity kills the cat but wisdom__________
10) Don’t put the cart__________
11) Don’t count you chickens __________
12) An apple a day__________
13) If pennies were ponies, paupers __________
14) Give them an inch… they’ll take__________
15) Love and marriage go together like__________
16) No use crying over__________
17) You can’t teach an old dog__________
18) Early to bed, early to rise makes a man__________
19) The early bird__________
20) A watched pot__________
21) Two wrongs __________
22) Little jugs have__________
23) People who live in glass houses shouldn’t__________
24) It isn’t over till the __________
25) You can’t make a silk purse from__________
26) Don’t throw out the baby with__________
27) He was so poor he did not have two nickels to__________
28) Look before you__________
29) What’s good for the goose….__________
30) Tha’ts like the pot calling the kettle__________
31) Even a blind squirrel get an acorn once __________
32) Age before__________
33) A day late__________
I have around 150 of these. I wonder if we can find some new ones.
2) A stitch in time saves___________
3) A bird in the hand is __________
4) You can lead a horse to water but__________
5) You can’t get blood out of __________
6) It’s always darkest __________
7) Its like closing the barn door after__________
8) Curiosity __________
9) Curiosity kills the cat but wisdom__________
10) Don’t put the cart__________
11) Don’t count you chickens __________
12) An apple a day__________
13) If pennies were ponies, paupers __________
14) Give them an inch… they’ll take__________
15) Love and marriage go together like__________
16) No use crying over__________
17) You can’t teach an old dog__________
18) Early to bed, early to rise makes a man__________
19) The early bird__________
20) A watched pot__________
21) Two wrongs __________
22) Little jugs have__________
23) People who live in glass houses shouldn’t__________
24) It isn’t over till the __________
25) You can’t make a silk purse from__________
26) Don’t throw out the baby with__________
27) He was so poor he did not have two nickels to__________
28) Look before you__________
29) What’s good for the goose….__________
30) Tha’ts like the pot calling the kettle__________
31) Even a blind squirrel get an acorn once __________
32) Age before__________
33) A day late__________
I have around 150 of these. I wonder if we can find some new ones.