Hey all,
I hope yesterdays question wasn't too hard for you because if that was too hard, just wait a few days .
The IAP has over 20,000 members from around the World. How many members joined the IAP in 2015?
The correct answer is: 2362
There were 74 entries but only 27 people had the correct answer. After running the numbers through a random number generator, the winning numbers were #20 and #25.
#20 is rholiday (Robert Holiday)
#25 is JimB (Jim Byron)
The first winner to reply to this thread will get their choice of the two prizes.
The prizes for February 1, 2016 are:
Pen Kit #2 from Kallenshaan Woods $35.00
BOB #1 from Edohmann $25.00
If you did not get the answer right, don't worry. There might be few hard questions yet to come :befuddled:. Plus there are still 13 days of prizes left:biggrin:
I hope yesterdays question wasn't too hard for you because if that was too hard, just wait a few days .
The IAP has over 20,000 members from around the World. How many members joined the IAP in 2015?
The correct answer is: 2362
There were 74 entries but only 27 people had the correct answer. After running the numbers through a random number generator, the winning numbers were #20 and #25.
#20 is rholiday (Robert Holiday)
#25 is JimB (Jim Byron)
The first winner to reply to this thread will get their choice of the two prizes.
The prizes for February 1, 2016 are:
Pen Kit #2 from Kallenshaan Woods $35.00
BOB #1 from Edohmann $25.00
If you did not get the answer right, don't worry. There might be few hard questions yet to come :befuddled:. Plus there are still 13 days of prizes left:biggrin: