Feb meeting

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Oct 10, 2012
Akron, OH
I guess it is time to start planning the Feb meeting.
I'm thinking Sat Feb 20.

How does that work for you guys?

I have contracted a machine shop to make a bunch of new tools for me.
I will be happy to do a demo with one
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I'll let this ride for a few days, and if there are no objections, I'll call Hartville Hardware and set it up
OK all is set
We will meet at Hartville Hardware Feb 20.
Meeting starts at 2:00 PM
We are in a different location this month, we will be in the Mill area.
It is the other side of the drive thru.
I will try to get some signage posted that day.
I'll put it on the calendar, but I may not make it. My mother is moving sometime in the next 6 weeks and when she does I'll be in NY for a week. She is waiting for the call telling her the date of availability.
... Oh, Magic... I have a really cool new tool handle to show off :wink:. I am mighty proud of it. The insert is also pretty awesome. The insert MADE it's handle. :):biggrin::).
All visitors as well as regulars (as if there are any of us that are regular) are welcome.
Everyone will need to go to the lumber counter in the down stairs area, they will direct you to the correct area for the meeting.
We will be meeting in the mill room.

Don't forget your money, check book and/or Credit card as they will be having a big tool sale that day.
I will make one these gatherings at some point; however a one way three hour drive, on my wife's birthday, is unlikely ... :rolleyes:
Sounds like a great reason for a road trip.
Hartville has a great flea market that she can get lost in while you are meeting with us and then you can take her to the tool sale and get her that new PowerMatic lathe she wants so bad.
Then after the food at The Hartville Kitchen next door is wonderful.
Sounds like a great reason for a road trip.
Hartville has a great flea market that she can get lost in while you are meeting with us and then you can take her to the tool sale and get her that new PowerMatic lathe she wants so bad.
Then after the food at The Hartville Kitchen next door is wonderful.

Sounds like an outstanding day to me. Unfortunately my living room couch isn't all that comfortable. :eek:
I keep telling the tool manager at Hartville Hardware that I can't buy the Powermatic until it comes with a cot or bed, because I know if I spent that much , I'd be sleeping with it.
Hartville Meeting

Very much looking forward to the meeting .. My wife will be demo-ing the Sand Flee for RJR Studios for the show ..
Very much looking forward to the meeting .. My wife will be demo-ing the Sand Flee for RJR Studios for the show ..

Hi Mike,

At the Dec meeting you questioned using stabilized blanks. I have a bunch of blanks and I could bring you some to try out. They are stabilized by me with cactus juice and vacuum chamber. They are stabilized although not as pretty as the store bought ones. If your interested I'll bring some to hartville for you for you to play with.

We have a guest demo from T. Shadow & Co.
I er he will demo the new Magic Skew
I will bring some blanks for door prizes any one else?
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Could you print some MPG Flyers and bring them to the meeting.
With the tool sale going on it is a good time to promote
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