Fancy wood or fancy store? You choose!

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Sep 16, 2008
Park Hills, Kentucky
I am turning a pen for the director of a political leadership program at my alma mater, and I am having a tough time deciding on the blank.

I have lots of nice burls, and would likely choose either amboyna or choke cherry. Both are great looking.

I also have in my possession some wood that was harvested from Monticello in Virginia. The wood is cherry and red oak.

The recipient is a known presidency scholar, so if anyone would appreciate wood with that backstory, it would be him. However, he saw my Choke Cherry burl pen and loved it.

What would you choose?

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Why not try making the burl pen and add a couole accent bands with the wood from Monticello. You could sandwich the accent bands between some black veneer or aluminium or both. I have done alot of that. This way he would have a wood that he really liked plus a story to tell and he will know you went the extra mile to personalize the pen for him. Just a thought
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