Faces in the tree

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Dec 27, 2008
Lakewood, WA
Since this is a tree I thought it would be appropriate to post this here. For some fun.

See how many faces you can find in this tree.
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I found 10!
Now, I suppose, is the time to tell me that only old, groucy, infirmed, senior citizens are the only ones that see that many and that they are in need of WINNING A PRIZE in the Birthday Bash!!!!!
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I thought I found 11.

Look at the hat/hair of the 2nd face on the right side (from the ground). It is not as detailed as the rest though.
Looks like Dario and I saw the extra face at the same time. Though a bit cartoonish compared to the others, it looks like a face.
11 here too. The small one on top of the second one on the right at the bottom. Is that the extra one you guys are seeing?
I thought I saw twelve also until I realized it was my reflection on the screen because I was leaning so close to see the itty bitty picture!!!!
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