Eye Catcher? Or maybe a little too busy. What do you think?

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
This is one of my "Southwest2" blanks on an Antique Brass Southwest Mesa kit. I think it is one of those looks that people will either love or hate, with not much opinion in between. I'm always interested in hearing what the IAP panel of experts think. So, 👍 or 👎?

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While not for my thing, lots of SW art is fairly busy and colorful, so I think there would be more than a few folks who have that bent will like it.

It looks like a well executed themed pen to me. Nicely done.
I like vanilla ice cream! But I know there are other great flavors that fill the appetite of many. 😁

That said, I do love the colors, but for me it is too busy. I would make that for someone else who really likes that kind of art.
I've always like SW designs, as I have a little indian heritage myself. These designs have always been busy and I feel were made to be that way as all of it has meanings in one form or another. I like them. Nice job!
Although it is busy, I think it pairs well with the Mesa kit and would also look nice on the pewter finish, especially with the blue accents on the kit that match the blue on the blank. I don't know if I would think the same if it were mated to a different kit through. - Dave (PS - the pattern match on the seam turned out really nice).
It works, not to my taste but it definitely works. You need some kind of festival or some such to market that at though
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