Andrew and Steve Think you should look at your backyards a bit closer . Within an hours drive of Kenora , should be able to find hawthorn , chokecherry , pincherry , seviceberry , white elm , longtooth and trembling aspen , balsam poplar , shining , ***** , Bebb and peachleaf willows , ironwood , Mountain alder , white birch , Bur oak , Showy mountain ash , sweet viburnum , black and red ash , mountain and Manitoba maple . Within WA , grow bitter cherry , crab apple , serviceberry , trembling aspen , black cottonwood , Pacific and Bebb willows , Sitka , speckled , red and blueberry alders , Water and white birch , Cascara buckthorn , Garry oak , White flowering dogwood , Vine and Douglas maples . Most of it not readily commercially available , but the wood is there if you go looking . Any chance of making a friend at a small local sawmill ? Reference highly recommended: Trees in Canada , John Laird Farrar , Fitzhenry and Whiteside Limited . For me , looking for the wood is half the fun . Wayne