Everyone safe!

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The Weather Channel on TV showed a lot of damage to the Bend of Florida, heavy rain in Georgia and flooding as far as Asheville, NC. Several counties in FL had a mandatory evacuation. My grandson was in the Tampa area and left yesterday morning. Tied up in traffic and got home outside of Atlanta about midnight.
We're lucky.
Down in Sebastian, if not for the news, we wouldn't have known there was a hurricane.
Up at our farm in NW Marion County, no damage; just no power.
My daughter near Tampa lost power and said the storm was too close but they had no damage either.
Gregory, Weather Channel showed some flooding in downtown Asheville, NC.
We have high winds here in SE TN. Our power was off for about 90 minutes. So far, so good. Main concern is flooding as the Tennessee River watershed covers a lot of TN, NC, GA and VA. Will see what happens.
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