Ever Buffed your glasses?

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Jan 10, 2007
Monroe, Ohio, USA.
I got a scratch on my glasses that's rather annoying. I was thinking about taking the plastic lenses out of the frames, hot gluing them to a dowel and giving them a quick buffing with the plastic compounds I have. I had originally considered the 12000 grit micromesh, but I'm worried I'll do more harm than good. I think I may practice first with my faceshield. If I can get a good finish on that flimsy plastic I don't think I'll be too worried about my glasses.
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Figure out which side of the lens the perscription is shaped on. If its on the front, trying to repair to might distort the view.
Lens Crafter'sgave me a break on the cost when had to replace a lens that was only a few months old.
Figure out which side of the lens the perscription is shaped on. If its on the front, trying to repair to might distort the view.
Lens Crafter'sgave me a break on the cost when had to replace a lens that was only a few months old.

These are way old, and I normally wear contacts, but just trying to get a few more miles out of them since I paid a fortune for them.
If you are near sighted and you are polishing the outer lens, then you should be ok. Far-sighted is a different story as you will alter the lens.

I wouldn't use glue to hold the lens as you may do more harm to the inside of the lens.

The other question if they were that expensive, are the lenses plastic or polycarbonate? Polycarbs will need to be handled more carefully.
Just plastic. It was the unobtanium frames that were the expensive part! :biggrin:

I'm not really near nor far sighted. I just have a horrible astigmatism. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't even need glasses. As my doctor put it to me...my eyes are shaped like footballs.

If you are near sighted and you are polishing the outer lens, then you should be ok. Far-sighted is a different story as you will alter the lens.

I wouldn't use glue to hold the lens as you may do more harm to the inside of the lens.

The other question if they were that expensive, are the lenses plastic or polycarbonate? Polycarbs will need to be handled more carefully.
Since the frames are the expensive part, get new lenses and use the same frames. I'm waiting for a call from the optical shop for the same fix. Unfortunately, in my case the lenses are the $$$$$$ part.
I have buffed my previous pair. They had the diamond coating on them, which was turning opaque and driving me nuts. I was able to polish it off with a buff on the end of a Foredom run extremely slow. It was pretty tough to do right.
I got a flying piece of glue on mine. It looks like a hair but it is in the way. Do you know if the glue softener/remover will hurt the plastic lens?? I'd like to get that darned thing off my glasses without ruining the $400.00 lens.
If it's CA you mean, then no, it will be the same stuff as the lenses. If it's some kind of rubber cement or something, you could try WD-40, which won't hurt plastics, but acts like a solvent to some other stuff.
I got a flying piece of glue on mine. It looks like a hair but it is in the way. Do you know if the glue softener/remover will hurt the plastic lens?? I'd like to get that darned thing off my glasses without ruining the $400.00 lens.


just stop at the vision center at Walmart and ask them to clean your glasses.
I just know if I tried to clean them myself I would screw them up
I wait till they ain't busy and have a minute to work on them.
If it's CA you mean, then no, it will be the same stuff as the lenses. If it's some kind of rubber cement or something, you could try WD-40, which won't hurt plastics, but acts like a solvent to some other stuff.
Good message, thank you. It is what I needed to know.

just stop at the vision center at Walmart and ask them to clean your glasses.
I just know if I tried to clean them myself I would screw them up
I wait till they ain't busy and have a minute to work on them.
Y'know what, that is where I bought them, but in California, and I will go back to them.

Excellent idea, thank you.

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