End grain Black Palmira

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
I followed George @robutacion Valentine's flap disc method on the end grain of a tricky timber.
I used a flap disc on an angle grinder and a 60 grit pad to bring the blank down close to the bushes.
No needles flew out of the palm. IMG_0212.JPG
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I really like what you did here, I do like Black Palm, but haven't had the guts to try turning it end grain.
What finish did you use?
Awesome work on the segmenting as well as the variation for turning. Be well Alan.
I have used the flap disc method before after reading George's posts a few years ago, but promptly forgot about it. As I wasn't looking forward to turning this particular blank in the usual way, when I spied the flap disc in the corner, away I went. No issues at all.
Best regards to you both.
Great blank Alan. Thanks for sharing your process - Black palm is difficult enough to turn with the side grain. I would not have thought to use the grinder/flap method to tame the end grain. It looks excellent!
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