Eliminating TV & making pens

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Jan 28, 2012
Howell, MI
I'm new here and found this website while helping our kids find something to do besides watch TV & play video games. It's winter here in Michigan, cold with no snow so it's difficult to get them motivated to do outside. I hope you like our story. You can view it on Home Page
My first website and their first stab at pens. We give them tips and guide them and they turn them.
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Welcome. Kids need good interaction with their parents to help share and guide them through the good easy parts of life and especially the rough tuff uneasy parts.

With 14 Grand kids and 4 or 5 Greats, I enjoy time spent with them all.

Keep up the goodassisting and guidance.

I think what you are doing is great. My parents killed the "electronic babysitter" when I was rather young. It makes you do crazy things like go outside and play or read. Welcome to the group. Just understand that soon both of those kids will want their own lathe.
Hey, Teresa. Welcome from down the road (Webberville). Glad to see the kids are wearing safety glasses! Also, consider some form of respiatory protection when they're sanding and (PLEASE!) remind them to roll up their sleeves when turning. Not many things worse than watching the lathe grab your baggy cuff and start rolling it up (with your arm in it) and not being able to do anything about it.

Best from your neighbor,
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Welcome to the IAP Teresa. You and the children have a great looking web site and the pens showing are looking great too. I left a message in the guest book with some suggestions for other things they can turn and that are fairly easy, ornaments and ornamental birdhouses are easy to turn and make.
I just love when i see kids getting involve with parents hobby. They are on the good way. Now lets help them build some inventory without spending too much money. If your kids promise to make me each one a pen, i'll send each one of them 11 fancy slimline pen kits (chrome, black TI and TI gold) and 11 exotic wood pen blanks (like ebony, bloodwood, padauk, congalo alves, canarywood, african blackwood, bubinga, asian rosewood, +++.. i migh even put in an acrylic blank :)

If they are interested, just PM me your postal address and i'll put it in the mail monday.
Welcome from Florida - great family hobby. Only suggestion is don't make it work. Did that as a kid with my mom and dad making chocolate candy - was not fun after a while.
I really like to see this kind of thing. My boys are still too young(1 & 4), but they love to spend time with me in the shop. Keep up the fine pens! Looking good!
Welcome Teresa, from far west Kentucky, to the addiction, sometimes referred to as the vortex. Be sure to give the library a good bit of time. The link is at the top of the page. You will find an article called Library Index. This covers tutorials on about anything pen making you can think of. You will also notice that there are articles listed by year. Much good info there as well. When these fail to answer your questions, by all means post it here. I have never seen one go unanswered very long. You might also want to give this thread a good look. It has some very good info for the beginning pen turner; http://content.penturners.org/library/general_reference/Getting_started_in_pen_turning.pdf. Grab some wood, make some shavings and have fun all the while being safe.
Have a look at the series of videos ed4copies has just posted showing how to complete a pen from drill to finish.

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