Election quandries in Anthony's home town

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sure beats holding another election.

Heck it's cheaper too. Sing it Kenny,"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table. There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done."

Yee Haw
I just saw it on Hanity tonight.:biggrin: Sure saved the town money when we don't have any like most other towns. I would have rather seen a duel, (that is what I think of politicians) then it would have gotten good :biggrin: What was funny and not sure if it said this in the article, but the young kid that won spent 17K on an elction for the council seat that pays " 0 " :eek:, most council members spend about 500 for their campaigns.
I live in Cave Creek as well. There are a couple of bars here that people actually ride their horses to occassionally. It's weird.
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