ed4copies - here is your invoice for 6,146 nickels

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Mar 9, 2006
Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA.
Mr. ed4copies,

Whereas you have embraced the advice of my client, Mr. thewishman, and made his "Resinator" suggestion for your moniker as a part of your signature in red,

And whereas this signature now appears in all 6,146 of your posts on this web address,

And whereas my client's offering of said appellation was made with the expectation of a credited citation,

And whereas Mr. thewishman now has hurt feelings,

Therefore, be it so ordered that you remit to my client the sum of 6,146 nickels for past uses and $0.05 for each future, uncredited, use of the sobriquet "Resinator".

Furthermore, be it so ordered that each nickel is, in my client's words, "Really, really shiny, or have cool pichers (sic) on 'em, like, you know, like buffalos (sic) or other neat stuff."

In a menacing tone,
Mr. thewishman's Lawyer

P.S. I really am a lawyer - so don't try to mess around.



Sounds like we need to start a legal defense fund for ED


Quick fix to your legal problems with thewishman.

You need to find a way to make the name uniguely yours. How about "Racine Resonator"!!!!!!:D

I wouldn't worry about wishman's lawyer anyway. He is probably not licensed in Wisconsin.:eek:
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