You're not listening...all signs says it is most likely a FAKE!!!
I am inclined to agree with darios comments if you look at the colour of the piece it shows that it has been coloured recently, again the grain is way to course as is shown on the back looks more like elm to me. The piece shown is indicative or the Cr@~ coming out of chine on ebay you will no doubt see many pieces exactly the same after this one has sold meaning that some one is knocking them out like a sausage factory it is therfore not rare not Huanghuali and not antique,DO NOT WASTE YOU MONEY. I dont know where you live but I suggest you take the time to go to a museum which has Huanghuali furniture displayed and aquaint yourself with it also buy a reasonably priced book on Huanghuali furniture with colour plates an excellent book at little cost is Classic Chinese Furniture an introduction by Willy Wo-lap lam Published by Form Asia. just try asking the seller if he is able to supply 4 of them I bet he will say certainly! then you know his stuff is not genuine as most furniture made in huanghuali is individuel. Caveat emptor