Eagle's album (more complete)

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
DCBluesman is accumulating pictures of all of Eagle's pens that he can find. In a conversation today, he mentioned he has over a hundred and still getting emails with attachments. I have not given him any of mine, but I will soon.

So, for those that "thirst for knowledge", Lou will be making a tribute to Eagle showing most of Eagle's designs.

Also, if you have one or two pens or blanks you got from Eagle, please contact either Lou or me or PR_Princess and e-mail to one of us. They will all be considered, to try to show the breadth of Eagle's talent.

Right now, all contributions to the paypal account to help Eagle's family will be appreciated.

He was very generous in giving away his pens and blanks. Now is your chance to repay him. Please Paypal.

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