Me and my friend are going to start casting some of own own blanks. But i was wondering what do people use for color, and what paint do you use for the inside of the tubes and on the tubes?
IT may cost a little more than Coastal Sents, but you can get a starter package of Pearlex powders at Michaels. I paint my tubes and inside the blanks with regular spray paint from Wally World. I let the paint dry overnight before I glue the tubes in with thick CA.
Coastal Scents micas
Art-Stuf pigments and dyes <- Lots of recipes for these in the resin color library
Testors Model paints
Powder coating paint (powder)
Alumilite dyes
Which one is best? That depends on what look you're going for and the material you're using. Sparkly? Flat? Opaque? High Chatoyance?