After agonizing over wether to buy the Clear Vue cyclone of the Dust Gorilla for the past 6 months, I ended up with the 3hp DG. It showed up last month and said 3 hours to assemble. (NOT) The darn thing is so big and heavy, 6 hours later plus with the help of my two sons, I got it monted on the wall. I bulit it in sections, the last part to go on was the heaviest, the motor. I needed to go and high jack a scissor lift on the property, so I could lower the motor I had tied to a rope, while my son's lined it up. But that was last month. I had the folks at Oneida do the drawings for the piping. They did a great job, but it came with the cost of the materials. They wanted $2,000 for all the metal, not in my budget. So I had the local A/C guys working in the complex do most of the metal and I filled in some parts from a local sheet metal shop. Total for the metal, was about $600.00 that was a lot better than 2K.
So after I woke up from my nap today, had a 7 am tee time this morning so I was tired and needed my nap
I went into the shop and got busy on putting up the main trunk lines for the dust collection. I had asked the company that made most of the metal to install it, but they wanted a grand, no thanks. I never done sheet metal work, but was able to cut the pipe with my sawsall and I bought a cheapo rivet gun to assemble the fittings, plus I siliconed & taped the joints, so there should be no leaks. Well this was 6 hours work tonight. 8" & 6" lines, got all the high stuff done and then ran out of gas, I'm beat. [8D] Maybe I can finish it off next week.
So after I woke up from my nap today, had a 7 am tee time this morning so I was tired and needed my nap