dumochelles auction...pens

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I went to that site but I didn't see a single on of them ones that you turn over and it reveals the gal in the bikini? What kind of auction site is that.
Can't say it gives me any ideas, seeing how all of it it totally beyond me, but still awsome looking pens there.
Some nice looking pens but for as much as they are wanting they should have gotten a better photographer. Much better photos around here.
Went back to look again, they still don't have the pen with the gal in the bikini. Ya'll seen them, know whut I'm talkin bout? Very popular in the sixties. Hey all kidding aside, did you see the photog in the image of the ink well on the last page! Yeah, no kidding. They have some NICE Cd'A but too bad they are fountains and I'm a lefty.
Went back to look again, they still don't have the pen with the gal in the bikini. Ya'll seen them, know whut I'm talkin bout? Very popular in the sixties. Hey all kidding aside, did you see the photog in the image of the ink well on the last page! Yeah, no kidding. They have some NICE Cd'A but too bad they are fountains and I'm a lefty.

Ah....you're an arteest, too...huh!
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