Drum Roll Please . . .

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Oct 4, 2005
Sadorus, IL.
Okay, it is time!

I am pleased to announce that Dick Sing will be in house at the 2011 MPG. And yes, the event will still be free to all who attend!!
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You guys continue to outdo yourselves each year on the MPG. That is terrific news and I am sure you will be breaking attendance records again next year.
We try, and after an event as we just had, it fuels our fires so to speak to make the next event even better. This year we had added to the staff which made things a lot easier for Terrence and myself. I actually got to watch a couple of the demos!!! I cannot give the MPG staff enough credit and praise. None of us are experts at hosting an event such as this but each year we manage to get it done.

Besides the increase in attendance and excellent demonstrations, it was great to have the amount of vendors we had this year and especially since they stayed fairly busy all day. Hopefully we'll see more willing to participate next year but we may have to limit how many we can allow to set-up because of the expected increase in attendees. We may have to pitch a tent out back and use the hall just for demonstrations and seating! And because of the increase in attendance each successive year, the MPG continues to be largest event of it's kind! I can't believe next year will be our 5th event!!! Seeing that the event stays informative and increase in attendance are the two primary areas of the vision we strive to reach each year all the while keeping the event free for all who attend. Yes, there are costs but these are covered more than willingly by MPG staff simply because they want to bless their fellow pen turners by providing for them an experience from which they can glean and grow within the craft we all share a passion for.

Hope to see all of you next year!!

Greg "cozee" Cozad
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Dick Sing is not only a tremendous demonstrator (he could entertain you all day), he is also a GREAT guy--excellent choice!!
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